Monday Mar 25, 2024

Employee vs. Independent: Which Role Suits You Best?

In today's episode, we delve into a critical decision many health professionals face: whether to pursue a career as an employee or venture into independent work. In this episode we explore our own experiences, our own journeys from being employees to contractors, and ultimately, to running our own businesses. Along the way, we'll uncover valuable insights about values, mentorship, and finding alignment in your professional life. 

Em embarked on her professional journey by working within various frameworks: public sector, governmental roles, community health, and hospitals. Eventually, transitioning into the role of a contractor before finally establishing her own business. 

Liz's career path is a testament to versatility, having worked as a contractor, an employee, and finally, as the owner of her own business. Through my experiences, I emphasize the importance of understanding personal values and how they align with different career trajectories. 

In our experiences we have found that employees attract a level of training, quality control, support and career progression. Access to mentorship and structured professional development opportunities are often a part of the ageement and often the stability that comes with these terms can be helpful for home loans and benefits like sick leave.  

On the other hand, contractors enjoy greater freedom in hours, unpaid leave, work approach and flexibility in service offerings. Including more fluid mentorship processes which pave the way for entrepreneurial endeavours. These arrangements can often also present the opportunity to explore diverse career paths and adapt to changing life seasons. 

Choosing your path is a deeply personal decision. It's essential to prioritize alignment with personal values and recognize the importance of mentorship and professional development in shaping your career trajectory. For those aspiring to entrepreneurship, transitioning through independent roles can be a strategic move. 

In the journey of professional growth, the decision between being an employee or an independent is deeply personal. Our stories shed light on the multifaceted nature of career choices and the significance of aligning values with professional endeavours. Whether you're seeking stability or entrepreneurial freedom, understanding your unique path is essential in crafting a fulfilling career journey. 






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